e enjte, 26 korrik 2007


"Jesus, please help all the stinky people"
"Jesus, thank you for the beans, chips, chicken, cheese, and diarhea" (he meant tortilla)
"My tiger's name is refridgerator"
"Today our teacher told us a story about Jack and the Beanstock and the mean yogurt" (orge)
"Tomorrow can Tanya be my mommy because I really like her"
"Caitlin told me she wanted me to eat her food"
"No" (usually this is being shouted from the top of his lungs)
"Jesus, please help the church potty's be clean"
"Momma, don't move there is a sembot on you" (for all you Spiderman buffs)
"I am the Gaven" (in response to "I am your Momma")

4 komente:

Anonim tha...

hahaha thats adorable!!!!!

And I think you need to send the church potty prayer request into the church......for cleaning sake. lol

This is great!!

Tressa tha...

hahaha! I love it! Too cute! Too bad he didnt say anything about his favorite- Mr. Joel and bike riding.

Brian and Becca tha...

that is so funny, he is so cute. it cracks me up some of the things kids say. we were at the zoo yesterday and david only saw only rhino and he said "that's the daddy rhino, the mommy rhino must be out shopping"...where they come up with these things i don't know :)

Rachel tha...

Gaven is the coolest & smartest three year old i know! playing going to the movies is my favorite!!